Mars planet knowledge ; facts, Information, History about Red planet

Hello friends, in this article we are going to see information about the planet Mars, because Mars is the fourth planet of the solar system. Its surface is bloody, hence it is also called the "Red Planet" . Mars is also terrestrial planets Mars is also a planet Like Earth

Its atmosphere is sparse. Its surface is reminiscent of craters on the Moon and of volcanoes, canyons, deserts, and polar ice caps on Earth.Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in the solar system on Mars. Valles Marineris, the largest valley here, is also located. Apart from its geographical features, Mars has a similar rotation period and seasonal cycle as Earth. The possibility of life on this planet has always been considered.

Phobos and Deimos, are two moons of Mars which are very small. It appears to be an asteroid similar to 5261 Eureka that was trapped here by the gravity of Mars. Mars can also be seen with the naked eye from Earth, Its apparent magnitude can reach -2.9, and this luminosity can only be surpassed by Venus, the Moon, and the Sun, although Jupiter is often brighter to the naked eye than Mars.

Mars is approximately 22.80 million kilometers away from the Sun (orbit: 1.52: 227,940,000 km = AU from the Sun). It revolves around the Sun in an elliptical path instead of a perfect circle. Therefore, sometimes it is about 2490 million kilometers from the Sun and sometimes its distance from the Sun is only 20.70 million kilometers.

Mars has a circular diameter of 6794 km and a mass of 6.421923 kg. It makes one revolution on its axis in 24 hours 37 minutes and 22.1 seconds. This one day is equal to 1.026 days of our Earth days. It revolves around the Sun in 669 days according to our Earth days. That is, their one year is longer than our two years.

Mars orbits in an elliptical circle with a difference of 30 °C between its closest point and the closest point to the Sun. This affects the climate of Mars. The average temperature on Mars is 218 °K (-55 °C). Therefore the maximum mean daily temperature on Mars is 27 °C and the minimum mean temperature is minus 133 °C. Mars is much smaller than Earth, but its surface area is almost the same as that of Earth because Mars has no oceans.

Mars is half the diameter of Earth. (Info about Mars in English) It is less dense than Earth, having 15% of Earth's volume and 11% of its mass. Although Mars is larger and heavier than Mercury, Mercury has a greater concentration. As a result, the surface gravitational pull of both planets is almost the same.

The reddish-orange color of the Martian surface is due to iron oxide (ferric oxide), commonly known as hematite or rust. It can also appear in butterscotch and other common surface colors, including brown, gold and green, depending on the mineral.

Recent scientific studies have proved that Mars is also a solid planet like our Earth and has a dry and rocky surface. There are plains, mountains and valleys on the surface of Mars. A dust storm is blowing. Like the Moon, Mars has highlands in the Southern Hemisphere and plains in the Northern Hemisphere.

The central part of this planet's interior is 1000 km. Radius, it consists of a molten mantle of molten rock that is denser than the Earth's mantle, with a thinner outer shell.

According to data from Mars Global Surveyor, the Earth's surface is 80 km thick in the Southern Hemisphere but only 35 km thick in the Northern Hemisphere. The low density of Mars among the rocky planets suggests that the amount of sulfur in its core is greater than the amount of iron. The southern hemisphere of Mars is long and ancient, filled with craters like the Moon.

In contrast, the Northern Hemisphere has formed a new plateau and is lower. A sudden change in altitude is seen at the boundary between these two. The reason for the sudden change in height is not known. The Amitia Mars map created by the Marsh Global Surveyor Vehicle shows all these formations. poles of Mars are covered with ice. This layer of ice is made up of water and carbon dioxide.

During the Northern Hemisphere summer, carbon dioxide melts the ice, leaving behind a layer of water ice. Mars Express has now seen it in the Southern Hemisphere as well. There is a possibility of snowfall in other places as well.

Land sliding events are also common on Mars, as the gravity on Mars is much less than on Earth. Unlike Mercury and the Moon, Mars does not have plate tectonics because Mars does not have folded mountains (the Himalayas on Earth). Because of the reduction in plate motion, hot spots remain beneath the surface, and due to the lack of gravity, bulges and volcanoes such as the Tharsis bulge are more likely to occur.

There is no evidence of recent volcanic activity. According to the Mars Global Surveyor, there may have been tectonic activity on Mars at some point. Mars must have been like Earth in history.

history of mars

 In religious texts and Puranas, Mars has been attracting human attention since ancient times. (Information about Mars in English) In our mythology, he is considered the son of Earth. The Shiva Purana states that he was born from a drop of Shiva's sweat and became a deity and established himself in the sky. The ancient inhabitants of Rome and Greece considered him the god of war (Greek: Ares) because of his red color. The Roman god Mars was the god of agriculture. That is why the month of March is also named after the planet Mars.

Apart from the Moon, Mars is the only planet on which there are man-made vehicles. Icall has arrived. Since the spacecraft first landed here in the 1960s, a more complete picture of the Martian surface was taken in the late 1990s. In 1965, Mariner-4 was sent to Mars for the first time. Since then many vehicles have been sent on this channel apart from Mars 2 which have also landed on Mars. Two Viking spacecraft also landed on Mars in 1976.

facts about mars

  1.  The gravity of Mars is one third (1/3) of the gravity of Earth.  This means that if an object or rock falls on Mars, it will come very slowly.
  2.  Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos.  Phobos is bigger than Deimos.  Phobos means "fear" in Greek.  That is why the Greeks also called Mars "the god of fear".  He also called the satellite Phobos the "son of gold."
  3.  The Phobos satellite is slowly moving towards Mars.  It tilts 1.8 meters towards Mars in 100 years.  Scientists estimate that Phobos will collide with Mars and break up in 50 million years.  This will form a ring around Mars.
  4.   The atmospheric pressure on Mars is much lower than on Earth, so there is little chance of life there.
  5.  The average temperature of Mars is -5555 °C.  The temperature here is -87 °C in winter and minus -5 °C in summer.  Sec.
  6.  Mars does not have seas or oceans.  So not sea level.
  7.  Sometimes a dust storm blows like Mars.  They are completely around Mars.
  8.  The axial tilt of Mars is 25.19 degrees which is greater than the axial tilt of the Earth.
  9.  The seasons on Mars are similar to those on Earth, but their duration is twice as long.
  10. Sometimes a dust storm blows like Mars.  They are completely around Mars.
  11.  The axial tilt of Mars is 25.19 degrees which is greater than the axial tilt of the Earth.
  12.  The seasons on Mars are similar to those on Earth, but their duration is twice as long.
  13.  The gravitational force on Phobos is 1000 times greater than on Earth.  If an object on Earth weighs 68 kilograms, then its weight on Phobos would be 68 grams.
  14. Only a third of the missions launched to Mars have been successful.  On 13 November 1971, an artificial satellite named Mariner entered the orbit of Mars.  Took 2973 photos of Mars and orbited Mars for 349 days.
  15. The diameter of Mars is 6,792 km which is half that of Earth
  16.  It is believed that the skulls of alien animals were found on Mars.
  17.  There are currently 12 objects that are man-made and located on Mars
  18.  Earth's crust is 40 km thick, while Mars is 50 to 125 km thick.
  19. Mars is called Ares in Greece.
  20.  Iron minerals in the soil of Mars appear red due to erosion.
  21.  There are 687 days (equivalent to 23 months) in a year on Mars.
  22.  poles Ice water and carbon dioxide are seen there.  An artificial satellite named Mars Express provided this information while orbiting Mars.
  23. A total of 8 missions have been done so far to search for life on Mars, out of which America and America have done 7 missions.
  24.  Stuckany is a large crater on the Martian moon Phobos.  It is named after the late wife of the scientist who discovered it.
  25. The smallest satellite of the solar system is Phobos. The distance of Phobos from the surface of Mars is only 6000 km while the distance of Earth from the Moon is 3,84000 km.
  26. On 24 September 2014, the Indian artificial satellite Mars (Mangalyaan) reached the orbit of Mars.  With this, India has joined the elite club of Mars along with the US, Russia and the European Union.
  27.  There is a strong possibility of having water on Mars.  So far, artificial satellites sent by humans to Mars have found evidence of liquid on the surface of Mars.  According to scientists, they could be large lakes and seas.

what did you see today?

 So friends, in the above article, we have seen the information of Mars in English.  What do we mean by Mars?  And learned a lot about some of its facts.  I think I have given you all the information about Mars in the above article.

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