Mercury planet full information in English; Mercury planet of solar system

 Hello friends, in this article we are going to see information about the planet Mercury, because Mercury is the first/nearest planet to the Sun and is the eighth largest planet in mass and has a gravitational force which is equal to one fourth of the Earth.  It is the smallest planet in the solar system, which has no satellites.

Its orbital period is about 88 days.  When viewed from Earth, it orbits in 116 days, which is the fastest among all the planets.  The diameter of the planet Mercury is 4,88,080 km.  The Solar System's two moons, Jupiter's Ganymede and Saturn's Titan, are larger in diameter than Mercury but half the mass.

Mercury can usually be seen with the naked eye after sunset or before sunrise (two hours before).  Mercury is very difficult to see due to its close proximity to the Sun.


 Mercury is the first planet in the Solar System and the closest planet to the Sun.  It is the fastest of all the planets to complete their orbit around the Sun.

It is also the smallest planet.  Its surface is completely rocky which is full of craters.  Its atmosphere is very thin and there is not a single moon.  Compared to Earth, the planet rotates on its axis more slowly, so the day here is much longer.

According to Earth day, Mercury completes the orbit of the Sun in 88 days.  The planet Mercury has 1 day equal to 59 Earth days

History of Mercury

 Mercury is named after a Roman god Historically, the people of Sumatra knew about this planet from 5000 years ago.  Astronomers of ancient Greece also confirmed this in 500 BC.  His English name is Mercury, which was named after the Roman god Car.  In India also Mercury has many religious meanings.  The great scientist Galileo Galilei was the first person to see Mercury through a telescope.

Some important calculations and statistics about Mercury:

 Diameter. :  4879 km

 Satellite.   : Nothing

 Time taken to orbit the Sun (orbital period):.  88 days

 Surface temperature:.   450 to -176 °C

 Mass (Weight):             3285 Cr Lakh Cr

Physical features of Mercury

 Since this planet is closest to the Sun, the temperature here can reach up to 5050 °C.  The planet has no warm atmosphere, so the night temperature drops to minus 170 ° C.  The day and night temperatures here are around 600 °C, the highest in the entire solar system.

Its radius is about 2440 km, surface area 7.48 * 107 km, volume 6.083 * 1010 km, weight 3.3011 * 1023 kg.

About 4 billion years ago, an asteroid 100 kilometers long collided with the planet, the impact of which was equivalent to 1 trillion 1-megaton bombs.  This created a 1550 km long basin called the Carlos Basin.

In 2012, NASA sent a spacecraft called Messenger to this planet, which discovered water and gas ice in the north polar region of the planet - a region that is always covered by the sun's rays.  It was believed that comets or asteroids could bring these ice cubes to the surface of the planet.

Orbital features of Mercury

 As mentioned earlier, Mercury takes 88 days to complete its orbit around the Sun, which is the fastest of all the planets.

 Its speed while orbiting will be 180,000 km per hour.  Its orbital path is oval and elliptical.

 In orbit, it is closest to the Sun at 47 million km and farthest from the Sun.

composition and structure of the planet Mercury

 According to NASA, the planet's atmosphere is surface bound, consisting of 42 percent oxygen, 29 percent sodium, 22 percent sodium, y% helium, 0.5% potassium and small amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, krypton, neon,  etc yes

 Its magnetic strength is about one percent that of Earth.  Iron is found in its interior.

Interesting facts about Mercury

 The planet Mercury takes 88 days to complete its orbit around the Sun, which is the fastest among all the planets.  Its speed while orbiting will be 180,000 km per hour.  Its orbit is oval and elliptical.

Mercury has no moon (satellite).  Its gravitational force is also very less.  That is, if the weight of a person on Earth is 100 kg, then on Mercury his weight will be 38 kg.

The Sun is the second hottest planet in the Solar System after being closest to the Sun.  The first place is Venus which is the hottest planet.

 Mercury's atmosphere is unstable.  It has no atmosphere.  There is no special layer of the atmosphere.  Matter and atoms near Mercury and planets are destroyed by heating.

 Apart from this, Mercury is the most dense planet after Earth.  Earth's density is 5.43 g/cm, while that of Mercury is 5.51 g/cm.

 Among the five planets, Mercury is also such a planet that we can see with the naked eye.  We can also see Jupiter Venus Saturn Mars standing on the surface of the Earth with the naked eye.

what did you see today?

 So friends, in the above article, we have seen the information of the planet Mercury in English.  What do we mean by Mercury?  And learned a lot about the facts of it.  I think I have given you all the information about Mercury in the above article.

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