Atmospheric disturbance
Environmental pollution refers to the condition in which the environment's resources such as air, water, soil resources and the organisms living there are affected by the pollution created by human activities, and hence the ecological balance is disturbed. The balance of the ecosystem is affected by the combination of substances which are harmful to the environment and the organisms living there.
Plants and animals living in the environment are affected by various types of pollution. The United Nations has declared climate change as one of the top ten threats to the world today. Environmental pollution can be some chemical substance or energy such as heat, light, sound. Environmental pollution is happening due to some dubious reasons
Contamination of the coil
Different types of chemicals and dust are released into the environment and become polluted. Examples of air pollution include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and nitrogen oxides emitted by modern vehicles and factories.
Water pollution
Erosion of water ecosystem
Effluents from industries, agricultural land, agricultural farms, urban waste etc. get into rivers, canals and other water bodies affecting water quality and aquatic life. It affects the earth's water resources.
At the same time, mixed pollutants in the atmosphere mix with rainwater and reach the ground. These go underground with water and pollute ground water, rivers, ponds etc. However, these are less effective than those mentioned earlier.
Soil pollution
Soil ecosystem degradation
Also, although industrial waste is a major factor, modern agricultural practices also contribute a lot to soil erosion. The soil is affected by the heavy use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides etc.
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Radiation damage
Twentieth century developments such as nuclear power generation, nuclear weapons research and the production of nuclear weapons have created radioactive waste and polluted the environment.
Noise pollution
Noise pollution is caused by noise from vehicles on roads, excessive noise from vehicle loudspeakers, aircraft noise etc.
Light pollution
This type of mass includes light transitions, super-luminosity, astronomical interference effects, etc.
Visual pollution
Examples of this type of pollution are overhead power lines, large roadside hoardings, disturbed landforms, open dumps, solid waste and space debris.
Along with industrial activities, air pollution, noise, vibration, underground discharges and odors cause significant damage to human health and living environment. Common examples of industrial pollution include:
1. Nitrogen oxides (NO (/x)), sulfur oxides are air pollution due to emissions from large-scale manufacturing plants such as thermal power plants.
2. Water is polluted with various chemical substances, nitrogen, phosphorus etc.
3. Pollution of groundwater and soil by organic solvents used in high-tech industries.
4. Contamination of soil and water quality by heavy metals from refineries and processing plants.
5. Air pollution due to nitrogen oxides and diesel particulates (including carcinogens) emitted from industrial operations, direct injection diesel trucks for trucks.
6. Radioactive pollution with leakage / release of radioactive material due to nuclear accident, nuclear fuel waste accident etc.
This pollution has a more serious impact than the Chernobyl nuclear accident and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Accidents like air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution and ocean pollution due to thousands of years of radiation. On the other hand, freon is a global environmental problem, high-tech industry is a major factor in emissions and ozone depletion, carbon dioxide is a major factor in global warming, thermal power plants, various manufacturing plants, and industrial emissions. Industrial pollution caused by heavy-duty trucks is in a broad sense.
Thermal contamination
Thermal pollution is caused by deforestation, carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles etc.
Human health problem due to environmental pollution
Poor quality air can kill living things, including humans. Ozone pollution causes the following diseases in humans:
- Respiratory disease
- heart disease
- Burning in the throat
- Chest pain
- stuffy nose
Water pollution is responsible for 14,000 deaths every day [citation needed]. This is due to pollution caused by the mixing of untreated sewage with drinking water. 700 million Indians live without access to proper toilet facilities. In India, 1000 children die of diarrheal diseases every day.[5] About 500 million Chinese people do not have access to safe drinking water.
The elderly are most at risk from air pollution, which causes great harm to the elderly. People who already have heart or lung problems face additional difficulties. Children and babies are easily affected.
Oil spills cause irritation and irritation to human skin. Diseases caused by noise pollution include hearing loss, high blood pressure, stress and sleep deprivation.
Mercury causes neurological diseases and developmental disorders in children.
Carium and other hard metals cause neurological diseases.
Chemicals and radioactive substances cause cancer and birth defects.
Pollution in the environment is widespread. It has the following effects
Pollutant exposure of pinewood is causing global warming which affects ecosystems in many ways.
The soil becomes barren and unsuitable for plant growth. It affects other organisms in the food web.