If you also have a question about the Internet and you want to know all these things, then today you will be told this in this article. Everyone uses the Internet. In today's time nothing happens without the Internet. There is no such day when no one uses the Internet and in today's time everyone has a Smartphone. Having a Smartphone without Internet is equal to no.
If you want to get information about any corner of the world, then through the Internet you can get information about any corner of the world. The convenience of the Internet has made life very easy. In today's time, a lot of work is also being done with the help of internet. If you also want to know who is the owner of this internet which you are using and how it works and what is internet then you have to read this article thoroughly. So that you can get all the information about the Internet.
what is internet
If we tell you in easy language what is Internet. It is a group of many computers. Meaning many computers are connected with each other with the help of Server and Router. Due to which they share data and information with each other and this is done with the help of Transfer Protocol and it is a global network spread all over the world. This is what is called Internet.
when did the internet come
If we talk about when did the internet come. During the war of 1969, some computers were interconnected and this was connected to send messages from one place to another. In which it was named Advance Research Project Agency Network by the US Army Department and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1970, Robert E Kahn and Vint Cerf developed the Internet Protocol Suite. Which was the standard Internet Protocol designed to transfer files and data.
where is the internet made
We have told you about the Internet that by connecting many computers among themselves, which share data. They often do this through Server and Router. The server itself has all the data store which remains on for 24*7 hours so that at any time anyone can take any information with the help of internet, all these servers are made by the hosting company. If we talk about how the Internet is made, then most of it is inside the sea, which is made by Fiber Cable. This cable is a wire thinner than a hair. But it provides very fast internet, only then the internet facility was provided by telephone through their wires. But ever since the Telecom Company has come. Since then the Internet is provided to the people through satellite.
who owns the internet
All the people of the world use the Internet and everyone wants to know. After all, who is the owner of those who use the Internet, who earns money with the help of the Internet, who is the owner of the Internet, so we would like to tell you that many people understand. For example, there is a company like Airtel, VI, Jio, BSNL. Everyone considers him to be the master of the Internet. But he is just a service provider, he is not the owner of the internet. If we talk about the owner of the internet, then it is absolutely free. It is free all over the world, neither any private organization nor any government has a role on it. These many people together run this internet. You must have heard the name of W3C, the World Wide Web Consortium, which prepares standards for Internet data. But it is completely free and no one owns it.
In today's article, we have given you a lot of information related to internet. The biggest question in your mind is who owns the internet. That too we have given you the answer that no one owns the internet. It's completely free. If you want to get such informative post. Then you can follow our blog and share it with your friends and family members so that they also get to learn something from our article. If you want to give some suggestions to us, then you can comment on us.